Our Classroom-- Commonly Asked Questions


When is preschool?The morning session of preschool day begins at 7:20 and ends at 2:20.  Children should be escorted to the preschool classroom by a parent or older sibling every day.  Preschoolers will attend  school one Friday per Instructional Unit.             

Do I just come to the classroom?All visitors, including parents, must sign in at the office and put on a visitor's badge each time before leaving the office area.  If you come to our classroom without a badge, even when dropping off a child, you will be asked to go back to the office to sign in.  This is for the safety of your children! 

What are these orange vests?The Warren County Schools have provided each preschool and kindergarten child with an orange safety vest to be worn at least the first 2 weeks of school as children come and go from school.  Please make certain that your child wears his or hers each day.  There will be a tag on your child's vest that lets the bus monitor know where and to whom to release your child. 

How much is lunch?  Breakfast?For those who do not qualify for free lunch is $1.65.  The cost of breakfast is $1.15.  It is very helpful if you pay for lunch at least one week at a time. 

 What supplies does my child need?There are no necessary supplies for preschool.  It is helpful if they have backpack LARGE enough for a library book or large papers.  It is also helpful if they have a full change of clothes, including underwear and socks, in their backpack. If your child wears diapers or pull ups, please send an ample supply of those and wipes to keep in the classroom. Refer to the Class Supply Wish List.                                                                                                                                                      

Will my child be safe?Your child's safety if our number one priority!  Your child will be in the company of the preschool teacher and/or aides during their entire time at school.  When we visit the library, gym, etc., we stay with the children.  We have our own playground, separate from the big playground and it is completely fenced in.  A bus monitor rides each bus the preschoolers are on and will not allow a child to get off the bus unless an authorized adult is there to meet them and hold their hand as they get off the bus.  A staff member may ask an unfamiliar adult for identification before releasing a child to them.  If there are custody issues we should be aware of, please bring a copy of any court order.  We eat our meals in the classroom.  We do not have a naptime, but are responsive to your child's needs.  If your child appears sleepy, we encourage them to rest.  We practice fire and tornado drills regularly. 

What should my child wear? We hope that children are comfortable.  We will be painting and involved in other activities that may be messy.  Tennis shoes are also helpful (but understand that some children insist on wearing their cowboy boots).  Our room does get cool; you may want to send a sweater or jacket with your child.  We will go outside every day, weather permitting.  Please send a jacket with your child as the days get cooler.

What are home visits? I will be contacting the family of each preschooler to set up a home visit.  This is an opportunity for me to find out more about your child and your dreams for your child.  (It is not an inspection at all!)  Children usually love for their teacher to come to their home and this helps build our teacher/student relationship.  If you would rather I not visit your home, just let me know.  I can visit in the evenings, on Fridays or during the weekend.  My goal is not to interrupt your family's routine. 

How will I know what my child is doing at school?You will know receive a copy of the preschool newsletter along with a monthly calendar of events each week that tells you all about the upcoming week/month.  You will also receive a copy of the school's weekly newletter that tells what's happening school wide.  You will receive a progress report 3 times during the year regarding your child's progress.  I am available to answer your questions about your child at any time.  It is difficult for me to talk with you during the school day and it is difficult for me to write individual notes without taking away from time with children.  BUT please feel free to call me at school, 781-2385 or at home, 303-6020 if you have questions or concerns.  It is never a problem to call me at home 

Thanks for sharing your most precious jewels with us!  Here's to a great year! 
